※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Neutron resonance imaging of a Au-In-Cd alloy for the JSNS


大井 元貴 ; 勅使河原 誠   ; 甲斐 哲也   ; 原田 正英   ; 前川 藤夫  ; 二川 正敏  ; 橋本 英子*; 瀬川 麻里子   ; 呉田 昌俊   ; Tremsin, A.*; 加美山 隆*; 鬼柳 善明*

Oi, Motoki; Teshigawara, Makoto; Kai, Tetsuya; Harada, Masahide; Maekawa, Fujio; Futakawa, Masatoshi; Hashimoto, Eiko*; Segawa, Mariko; Kureta, Masatoshi; Tremsin, A.*; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*


The Japan Spallation Neutron Source (JSNS) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) had been developed as a 1-MW spallation neutron source. A Au-In-Cd alloy has been proposed as a new decoupler material. Recently, we successfully produced the ternary Au-In-Cd alloy. The alloy composition is 74.9 at% Au, 0.5 at% In, and 24.6 at% Cd. We used the pulsed neutron imaging techniques to measure the elements in the Au-In-Cd alloy. Both a time gated camera system and a multi-channel plate (MCP) detector were used as detectors. Measurement was performed at BL10 in the JSNS. A Au-In-Cd specimen, In foil and two Au foils are used as a sample. As a results, we could obtain distribution of Au, In and Cd in the Au-In-Cd specimens distinctly.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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