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Powder neutron diffraction study of HoCoGa$$_{5}$$

Kobayashi, Riki; Kaneko, Koji   ; Wakimoto, Shuichi  ; Chi, S.*; Sanada, Naoyuki*; Watanuki, Ryuta*; Suzuki, Kazuya*

We have studied the magnetic structure of HoCoGa$$_5$$ which shows successive magnetic phase transition at $$T_{N1}$$ = 9.6 K and $$T_{N2}$$ = 7.5 K by using powder neutron diffraction. The data indicates magnetic reflection peaks with propagation vector $$q_L$$ = (1/2 0 0.35) at $$T_{N2} < T < T_{N1}$$ (AFIC phase), and then the propagation vector changes to $$q_{C}$$ = (1/2 0 1/2) below $$T_{N2}$$ (AFC phase). In addition, the temperature dependence of magnetic reflection intensity shows temperature hysteresis at $$T_{N2}$$. These results suggest that the transition at $$T_{N2}$$ is an incommensurate to commensurate first order transition. From our analysis, we have decided that the magnetic structure at 3.5 K is collinear antiferromagnetic one with propagation vector $$q_C$$, and magnitude of magnetic moment is 8.6(2) $$mu_B$$ along the $$c$$-axis. This structure is same as TbCoGa$$_5$$ which is proposed existence of component separated magnetic order due to the competition between magnetic and quadrupolar interactions.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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