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 年 ~ 

Assessment of olfactory nerve by SPECT-MRI image with nasal thallium-201 administration in patients with olfactory impairments in comparison to healthy volunteers


志賀 英明*; 滝 淳一*; 鷲山 幸信*; 山本 純平*; 木名瀬 栄   ; 奥田 光一*; 絹谷 清剛*; 渡邉 直人*; 利波 久雄*; 越田 吉郎*; 天野 良平*; 古川 仭*; 三輪 高喜*

Shiga, Hideaki*; Taki, Junichi*; Washiyama, Koshin*; Yamamoto, Jumpei*; Kinase, Sakae; Okuda, Koichi*; Kinuya, Seigo*; Watanabe, Naoto*; Tonami, Hisao*; Koshida, Kichiro*; Amano, Ryohei*; Furukawa, Mitsuru*; Miwa, Takaki*

Current olfactory function tests are useful for the analysis of olfactory thresholds in olfaction-impaired patients. However, a decrease in olfactory thresholds has not been used as an index for olfactory nerve damage in patients. The authors assessed peripheral olfactory nerve viability by performing combined SPECT-CT after nasal administration of Tl-201 to determine whether olfactory nerve was damaged in patients with olfactory impairments in comparison to healthy volunteers. It was found that nasal Tl-201 migration to the olfactory bulb was significantly lower in the patients with head trauma, respiratory infection, and chronic rhinosinusitis than in healthy volunteers.



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分野:Multidisciplinary Sciences



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