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On the Gyrokinetic model in long wavelength regime


宮戸 直亮; Scott, B. D.*; 矢木 雅敏

Miyato, Naoaki; Scott, B. D.*; Yagi, Masatoshi

The standard gyrokinetic model is formulated for perturbations with short wavelength and small amplitude. In the long wavelength regime, the polarisation density term with electrostatic potential $$varphi$$ in the gyrokinetic quasi-neutrality equation goes to higher order than usual. Therefore, we should consider the other higher order terms to obtain $$varphi$$ from the equation. This issue is investigated from the point of view of the push-forward representation of particle density. The polarisation density term stems from the ${it gyro-centre}$ displacement vector. There is another piece associated with the ${it guiding-centre}$ transformation which is not considered in the standard model. The gyrokinetic Hamiltonian is modified by taking into account this piece. The quasi-neutrality equation is derived rigorously from the modified Hamiltonian through a variational method and we find several additional terms resulting from non-uniformity of magnetic field.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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