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 年 ~ 

Present status and achievements of Broader Approach activities


奥村 義和

Okumura, Yoshikazu


Five years have passed since the Broader Approach (BA) activities launched in 2007 under the framework of collaboration between Japan and EURATOM. In a DEMO R&D Building in the IFERC site in Rokkasho, tritium facility, beryllium treatment facility, and microscopic measurement facility were installed in 2010. The tritium was delivered in March 2012. A supercomputer for the simulation of fusion plasmas and other application of the BA activities starts operation in January 2012. It demonstrated LINPAC speeds of more than 1.2 PFlops. Accelerator components for IFMIF/EVEDA are being fabricated in European institutes. The injector is now under commissioning in CEA Saclay, and will be delivered in Rokkasho in March 2013. The IFMIF/EVEDA lithium test loop was constructed in Oarai, Japan, in 2011 and starts operation in May 2012. The JT-60 tokamak is being disassembled and upgraded to an advanced superconducting tokamak JT-60SA. Manufacturing of tokamak components is now in progress.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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