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Report No.

Development of divertor IR thermography for ITER

Takeuchi, Masaki; Sugie, Tatsuo; Ogawa, Hiroaki; Ishikawa, Masao; Shimada, Takahiko; Kusama, Yoshinori

Divertor IR Thermography is one of the diagnostics which Japan is in charge of development in ITER project. The conceptual design has been performed so far, and the progress is reported here. By reducing the size of mirrors, and making the optical path a labyrinthine structure, the design of a new optics that fills requirements of both spatial resolution and neutron shielding has been advanced. To achieve the required measurement accuracy, the detected signal and the noises such as bremsstrahlung light, detector noise and thermal noise of optical components were evaluated. Higher photons than the bremsstrahlung light are obtained, excluding the low temperature range. The simulation calculation of reflection from wall was started. Detailed method of data processing of deriving the profiles of surface temperature in the divertor plates from the observed signals and in-situ calibration strategies of the optical system are important issues and will be discussed.



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