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Report No.

Investigation of the cause of peculiar irradiation behavior of 9Cr-ODS steel in BOR-60 irradiation tests

Otsuka, Satoshi   ; Kaito, Takeji ; Yano, Yasuhide  ; Yamashita, Shinichiro   ; Ogawa, Ryuichiro; Uwaba, Tomoyuki ; Koyama, Shinichi  ; Tanaka, Kenya

Four experimental fuel assemblies (EFAs) containing 9Cr-ODS steel cladding fuel pins were previously irradiated in the BOR-60. One of the EFAs achieved the best data, a peak burn-up of 11.9at% and a neutron dose of 51 dpa, without any microstructure instability or any fuel pin rupture. On the other hand, in another EFA (peak burn-up, 10.5at%; peak neutron dose, 44 dpa), peculiar irradiation behaviors such as microstructure instability and fuel pin rupture occurred. The combined effects of matrix Cr heterogeneity (presence of metallic Cr inclusions) and high-temperature irradiation were concluded to be the main cause of the peculiar microstructure change of 9Cr-ODS steel cladding tubes in the BOR-60 irradiation tests. They contributed to the fuel pin rupture.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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