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Report No.

Development of a grout database for geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste

Tsuda, Hidenori; Walker, C.; Shinkai, Fumiaki*; Kishi, Hirokazu*; Yui, Mikazu

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has developed a grout database (GDB) comprising the latest technical data of grout materials relevant to the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW). Currently, only newly developed grout materials of low pH cements, superfine spherical silica and colloidal silica, which are expected to provide a target pH under 11 leachate, are included in the GDB. Case examples from on-site works and laboratory based tests that have been published in the literature have been used to add construction and material details to the GDB. The GDB is available online for registered users to obtain and provide data of grout technology.



- Accesses




Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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