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Negative effect of crystallization on the mechanism of laser damage in a HfO$$_{2}$$/SiO$$_{2}$$ multilayer


立野 亮*; 岡田 大; 乙部 智仁; 川瀬 啓悟*; Koga, J. K.; 小菅 淳  ; 永島 圭介; 杉山 僚; 柏木 邦宏*

Tateno, Ryo*; Okada, Hajime; Otobe, Tomohito; Kawase, Keigo*; Koga, J. K.; Kosuge, Atsushi; Nagashima, Keisuke; Sugiyama, Akira; Kashiwagi, Kunihiro*


Elucidation of the mechanisms of laser damage is indispensable in realizing high resistance mirrors for the next generation of ultra-short pulse high intensity lasers. In this study, the surface and a section of the laser-damaged area of a laser mirror were observed with a laser microscope and a transmission electron microscope (cross-sectional TEM), respectively. A grain boundary of HfO$$_{2}$$ microcrystal was observed in the damaged area. This observation, and an evaluation of the mirror's damage resistance showed that the formation of crystals in the multilayer mirror is one of the major determinants of damage resistance.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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