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Electronic and local structures of Mn-doped BiFeO$$_3$$ crystals

Yoneda, Yasuhiro   ; Kitanaka, Yuki*; Noguchi, Yuji*; Miyayama, Masaru*

The electronic structure of complex oxides is important for understanding their functional properties. Here we report the results of investigating multiferroic BiFeO$$_3$$ using various X-ray spectroscopy techniques. Zn- and Mn-codoped and Mn-doped BiFeO$$_3$$ samples were prepared with the aim of improving ferroelectric properties of BiFeO$$_3$$. The valences of the doped Mn and host Fe were investigated. When oxygen vacancies exist in the sample, Mn acts as a hole acceptor. Furthermore, Mn and Fe stabilize the perovskite unit by changing their ionic radius. As a result, Mn and Fe atoms exhibit various valence states in the BiFeO$$_3$$ system. Evidence of the electronic structure for Fe $$3d$$-O $$2p$$-Bi $$6s$$ hybridization is also presented.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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