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 年 ~ 

Construction of cERL cryomodules for injector and main linac


梅森 健成*; 古屋 貴章*; 加古 永治*; 野口 修一*; 阪井 寛志*; 佐藤 昌人*; 宍戸 寿郎*; 渡辺 謙*; 山本 康史*; 篠江 憲治*; 沢村 勝; Cenni, E.*

Umemori, Kensei*; Furuya, Takaaki*; Kako, Eiji*; Noguchi, Shuichi*; Sakai, Hiroshi*; Sato, Masato*; Shishido, Toshio*; Watanabe, Ken*; Yamamoto, Yasuchika*; Shinoe, Kenji*; Sawamura, Masaru; Cenni, E.*


The Compact ERL (cERL) project is advanced in Japan. Its aim is to demonstrate the circulation of 100 mA electron beams with energy of 35-200 MeV. Superconducting cavities are key components for realizing ERL and used for injector part and main linac part. Critical issue for the injector part is the development of input power coupler. Prototype input couplers were fabricated and high power test was performed. Cooling ability of HOM coupler is also important for CW operation of cavity. At main linac part, HOM damped 9-cell cavities are applied to avoid BBU instabilities. Prototypes were fabricated for the cavity, the input coupler and the HOM absorber. Their performance was investigated. For both parts, cryomodules are under construction and will be completed in 2012.



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