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Report No.

Development of ITER equatorial EC launcher

Takahashi, Koji; Kajiwara, Ken; Oda, Yasuhisa; Kobayashi, Noriyuki*; Sakamoto, Keishi; Omori, Toshimichi*; Henderson, M.*

The ITER equatorial EC launcher is making a large technology to injecting $$geq$$20 M and CW operation. The design of the shield blanket structure that tolerates thermal and electromagnetic load is attained. The port plug structure considering the fabrication process applying HIP and TIG-welding are designed. The mm-wave design that enables to guide the wave power of $$geq$$20 MW into plasma with toroidal steering capability of 20$$^{circ}$$ $$sim$$ 40$$^{circ}$$ and efficiency of 98.4 $$sim$$ 99% assuming HE11 fundamental wave mode + TEM000 gaussian mode are proceeded. Reduction of the heat load to 2.1 MW/m$$^{2}$$ on the steering mirror are attained. These results allow the transmission of 2.0 MW per a waveguide and the required radiation profile from the launcher. The full scale mock-up of the mm-wave launching system consisting of the waveguides and the mirrors and the subcomponents such as the steering mechanism of the mirror, the cooling water lines and etc., are fabricated to investigate the design availability. High power (0.5 MW) experiment of the mock-up confirmed the expected wave beam propagation and steering capability of 20$$^{circ}$$ $$sim$$ 40$$^{circ}$$. The mock-up of the shield blanket module and the partial mock-up of the port plug structure are fabricated based on the present design to investigate the manufacturability and the performance of the cooling water flow. The results will reflect back to the fabrication design of the structural components of the equatorial launcher.



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