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Polarised neutron spectrometer, POLANO, at J-PARC attempts at understanding novel magnetism

Oyama, Kenji*; Yokoo, Tetsuya*; Ito, Shinichi*; Suzuki, Junichi*; Iwasa, Kazuaki*; Sato, Taku*; Kira, Hiroshi*; Sakaguchi, Yoshifumi*; Ino, Takashi*; Oku, Takayuki   ; Tomiyasu, Keisuke*; Matsuura, Masato*; Hiraka, Haruhiro*; Fujita, Masaki*; Kimura, Hiroyuki*; Sato, Takumi*; Suzuki, Junichi*; Shimizu, Hirohiko*; Arima, Takahisa*; Takeda, Masayasu  ; Kaneko, Koji   ; Hino, Masahiro*; Muto, Suguru*; Nojiri, Hiroyuki*; Lee, C.-H.*; Park, J.-G.*; Choi, S.*

We aim at constructing a polarisation analysis neutron spectrometer at Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) based on a collaboration of KEK and Tohoku Univ. The proposed instrument, named POLANO, is designed as a compact chopper spectrometer with a rotary detector bank ($$L_{1}$$ = 17.5 m, $$L_{2}$$ = 2.5 m). At the first phase of the project, we will concentrate the $$E_{i} < $$ 30 meV region using a fan type bender supermirror spin analyser because rich scientific targets in basic and application materials science exist in this region. In the second phase, we will try to install a $$^{3}$$He spin filter analyser for the $$E_{f} >$$ 100 meV region. This project passed in the final board of J-PARC on SEP-2011, and the construction has been authorized already.



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