※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Interaction between high power laser and cluster medium, and associated particle acceleration and radiation characteristics, 2

岸本 泰明; 杉山 裕一*; 岩田 夏弥*; 内田 智之*; 福田 祐仁

Kishimoto, Yasuaki; Sugiyama, Yuichi*; Iwata, Natsuyo*; Uchida, Tomoyuki*; Fukuda, Yuji


In order to investigate the laser-driven ion acceleration experiments using cluster-gas targets (CO$${_2}$$ clusters + background He gas) conducted by Y. Fukuda et al., we have done a series of simulations using the EPIC3D code, which includes the effects of atomic and collisional relaxation processes. We have analyzed the laser propagation, the absorption of laser light, and the particle acceleration processes inside the targets. As a result, we have found that collimated high energy ions are generated from the rear surface of the targets through a multistep-synergistic manner, such as (1) acceleration of carbon ions due to Coulomb explosion, (2) compression and acceleration of the background helium ions due to electric fields of Coulomb explosion, and ion accelerations due to (3) a magnetic vortex and (4) a sheath field, both of which are formed near the rear surface of the target.



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