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Evaluation of the precautionary action zone using a probabilistic consequence analysis


木村 仁宣 ; 高原 省五  ; 本間 俊充

Kimura, Masanori; Takahara, Shogo; Homma, Toshimitsu

To develop the effective emergency plans for a nuclear accident, the size for the precautionary action zone (PAZ) was evaluated using the PSA code of the OSCAAR. For derived accident scenarios based on a Level 2 PSA analysis for the BWR and PWR representative plants, the radiation dose at each distance was calculated for all weather sequences in a year and then the distance was assessed below the criterion for the absorbed dose to red marrow. Consequently, our study indicated that the size for the PAZ was estimated at approximately 3 km radius under average weather conditions using the action level for acute exposure of the Basic Safety Standards (BSS) of the IAEA.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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