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Report No.

XAFS analysis of Ni diffused in compacted bentonite

Takahashi, Hiroaki; Nemoto, Kazuaki; Tachi, Yukio  ; Katayama, Misaki*; Inada, Yasuhiro*

The diffusion profiles of strongly sorbing nuclides such as Cm, Am, Ni, in a compacted bentonite show two parts with different slopes which cannot be fitted by simple one-dimensional diffusion model considering single species. The reason for this anomalous diffusion behavior is not understood. Some XANES spectral shape of Ni diffused in compacted montmorillonite, which is main content of bentonite, at relatively higher concentrated region exhibit slight broadening of a feature on the high-energy side of the white line. The broadening of a feature doesn't appear in the case of Ni aqueous solution and Ni-montmorillonite. These results indicate that the inner coordination geometry of the Ni(II) ion diffused in compacted montmorillonite at relatively higher concentrated region.



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