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Azimuthal flux distribution measurements around fuel rods in reduced-moderation LWR lattices


吉岡 研一*; 北田 孝典*; 長家 康展  

Yoshioka, Kenichi*; Kitada, Takanori*; Nagaya, Yasunobu


A reduced-moderation LWR has been developed for the reduction of spent fuel and for the efficient utilization of uranium resources. The streaming channel concept to improve the negative void reactivity coefficient is one of the features of the reactor. This concept makes the fuel assembly more heterogeneous. The geometrical heterogeneity makes azimuthal neutron flux distribution of fuel rods steep. To validate azimuthal neutron flux distribution calculation, we measured the distribution around fuel rods in reduced moderation LWR lattices. These measurements were conducted in NCA with the foil activation method. The core consisted of the central triangular tight lattice zone and the outer driver zone of a square lattice. A pile of polystyrene plates for simulating void fraction was installed into the triangular tight lattice. Azimuthal neutron flux distributions were deduced from the activity of these small foils measured with plastic scintillators. Measurements were compared to calculations by the MVP code with JENDL-3.3. It was found that calculations agreed well with measurements.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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