※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Metallurgical analysis of lithium test assembly operated for 1200 h


古川 智弘  ; 近藤 浩夫; 金村 卓治; 平川 康 ; 山岡 信夫*; 帆足 英二*; 鈴木 幸子*; 堀池 寛*

Furukawa, Tomohiro; Kondo, Hiroo; Kanemura, Takuji; Hirakawa, Yasushi; Yamaoka, Nobuo*; Hoashi, Eiji*; Suzuki, Sachiko*; Horiike, Hiroshi*


One key issue in the development of the IFMIF is the corrosion/erosion of the lithium components. At Osaka University, lithium free-surface flow experiments to verify the design of the IFMIF target have been carried out, and the test assembly was operated in high-speed lithium flow for 1200 hours at 300 $$^{circ}$$C. Since the test assembly is important to understand the corrosion/erosion behavior as the demonstration experimental data, the metallurgical analysis was been performed. Slight irregularities which were trace of high-speed lithium flow were observed at the tip of the nozzle. On the other hand, mottled unevenness with many micro-cracks of a few micrometer depths was observed at the inlet of the nozzle, whose velocity ratio was 0.1-0.4 as compared with the nozzle tip. It was estimated that the phenomena was caused by carburizing from liquid lithium, and it was newly proven that carbon control in lithium was also important for corrosion / erosion protection of the IFMIF components.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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