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Application of ultrasonic measurement on small-sized ceramic sample


芹澤 弘幸  ; 加治 芳行  

Serizawa, Hiroyuki; Kaji, Yoshiyuki


The longitudinal and transverse wave velocities of polycrystalline MgO were successfully measured simultaneously and five types of elastic moduli, the Debye temperature, and the Gruneisen parameter were evaluated as functions of temperature from 298 K to 1764 K. An aluminum foil was used as a couplant between the MgO specimen and waveguide. Both acoustic waves were successfully propagated into the specimen through the solid and liquid aluminum layers. In particular, no influence of melted aluminum foil on the acoustic wave velocities was observed. With increasing temperature, the Young's, shear, and bulk moduli decreased monotonically and the Gruneisen parameter and Poisson's ratio increased monotonically, which indicated a decrease in the ionic bonding strength. The Debye temperature decreased almost linearly with increasing temperature, which showed the effect of thermal expansion.



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分野:Materials Science, Ceramics



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