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Report No.

A Methodological study extending an empirical model to predict self-leveling behavior of debris beds with non-spherical particles

Cheng, S.; Tagami, Hirotaka ; Yamano, Hidemasa   ; Suzuki, Toru; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Nakamura, Yuya*; Zhang, B.*; Matsumoto, Tatsuya*; Morita, Koji*

In our previous publications, a simple empirical model, with its wide applicability confirmed over various experimental conditions, has been successfully proposed to predict the debris bed self-leveling behavior of spherical particles. Based on existing experimental knowledge obtained, in this study a methodological framework is developed with the purpose of extending its predicative capability for non-spherical particles. The proposed framework principally consists of two empirical terms - with one for correcting the terminal velocity of single non-spherical particles, which is the key parameter in our modeling, and the other for representing the additional particle-particle interactions caused by the shape-related parameters. Through the preliminary analyses, it was found that by linking the Geldart's method with our recently developed pressure-drop measurement facility, the terminal velocity of irregularly-shaped particles can be readily achieved, while for modeling the additional particle-particle interactions, based on the latest data available a parametric study is also conducted to identify the potential contributors.



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