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Multiharmonic RF feedforward system for compensation of beam loading and periodic transient effects in magnetic-alloy cavities of a proton synchrotron

Tamura, Fumihiko   ; Omori, Chihiro*; Yamamoto, Masanobu   ; Yoshii, Masahito*; Schnase, A.*; Nomura, Masahiro  ; Toda, Makoto*; Shimada, Taihei ; Hasegawa, Katsushi*; Hara, Keigo*

Beam loading compensation is a key for acceleration of a high intensity proton beam in the MR of J-PARC. Magnetic alloy loaded rf cavities with a Q value of 22 are used to achieve high accelerating voltages. The cavity is driven by a single harmonic (h = 9) rf signal while the cavity frequency response also covers the neighbor harmonics (h = 8, 10). Therefore the wake voltage induced by the high intensity beam consists of the three harmonics, h = 8, 9, 10. We employ the rf feedforward method to compensate the beam loading ofthese three harmonics (h = 8, 9, 10). The full-digital multiharmonic feedforward system was developed for the MR. The commissioning of the feedforward system has been performed by using high intensity beams with 1.0$$times$$10$$^{14}$$ protons per pulse. The longitudinal oscillations due to the beam loading are reduced. By the beam loading compensation, stable high power beam operation is achieved.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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