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 年 ~ 

高温ガス炉を用いたLLFPの核変換性能の検討; MAを同時装荷した場合の性能評価

Study on transmutation of long-lived fission products using high temperature gas cooled reactor; Effect of ma admixture on transmutation

久保 光太郎*; 松浦 秀明*; 中屋 裕行*; 川本 靖子*; 中尾 安幸*; 島川 聡司; 後藤 実  ; 中川 繁昭  

Kubo, Kotaro*; Matsuura, Hideaki*; Nakaya, Hiroyuki*; Kawamoto, Yasuko*; Nakao, Yasuyuki*; Shimakawa, Satoshi; Goto, Minoru; Nakagawa, Shigeaki


The transmutation performance for LLFP and Mainer Actinide (MA) was evaluated when 2t of Tc-99 and 50kg of MA was loaded into GTHTR300 core. The compositions of MA was defined as the same as the spent fuel of a PWR with 12 years cooling. The amounts of transmutation were analyzed by performing the burn-up calculation with MVP-BURN for a fuel block geometry. As a result, the transmutation performance of GTHTR300 was evaluated that 18 kg of Tc-99 and 10 kg of MA were transmutated by one year operation.



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