※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Electronic state induced by spin-orbit coupling in 5d transition metal oxides


大西 弘明  

Onishi, Hiroaki

To clarify a crucial role of a spin-orbit coupling in the emergence of novel spin-orbital states in 5d-electron compounds such as $${rm Sr_{2}IrO_{4}}$$, we investigate ground-state properties of a $$t_{rm 2g}$$-orbital Hubbard model by numerical methods. In the absence of the spin-orbit coupling, the ground state is a spin singlet, while it turns into a singlet state in terms of the effective total angular momentum with the increase of the strength of the spin-orbit coupling. We find the so-called complex orbital state, in which real $$xy$$, $$yz$$, and $$zx$$ orbital states are mixed with complex number coefficients. Regarding the multipole state, we observe that the $$Gamma_{rm 4u}$$ dipole and octupole correlations are enhanced in the spin-orbit-induced phase. We will also discuss the spin, orbital, and multipole states for other electron numbers.



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