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Report No.

Development of uranium dating for nuclear forensics

Okubo, Ayako; Magara, Masaaki  ; Shinohara, Nobuo 

The database of nuclear forensics information (composition, physical and chemical characteristic) is expected to work as deterrent against crimes concerning nuclear and radioisotope materials. However, quality of analysis on nuclear forensics is unknown between countries. To establish a fundamental skill of analysis is required for inter comparison between countries. The age of nuclear material is essential information to identify the source of the material, and $$^{234}$$U-$$^{230}$$Th chronometer is widely applied. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) concluded Project Action Sheets between Department of Energy (DOE) of US and JAEA. We conducted procedure exchange and inter-laboratory comparison exercise on uranium age dating. We will report the outline of the project and the results of age determination on uranium oxide standard.



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