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Quantitative monitoring of InAs quantum dot growth using X-ray diffraction


高橋 正光

Takahashi, Masamitsu

The high controllability of molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) for the growth of nanostructures relies on the use of a monitoring technique, which is reflection-high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) in a typical MBE system. Even sub-monolayer control of the thickness of quantum well structures is achievable using the RHEED oscillation. However, as the semiconductor nanostructures are diversified into lower-dimensional structures including quantum wires and dots, more sophisticated monitoring techniques has become required for full characterization of the nanostructures beyond the thickness of two-dimensional layered structures. In this work, we present in situ X-ray diffraction techniques enabling growth monitoring of a wide variety of low-dimensional structures on the basis of the MBE system combined with an X-ray difftactometer developed at a synchrotron beamline, 11XU, at SPring-8.



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