※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Neutron scattering study on actinide compounds


目時 直人   

Metoki, Naoto


Uranium chalcogenides are highly interesting because of the variety of the physical properties from 5$$f$$-based metal and Mott-Hibbard insulator. Especially dichalcogenide family exhibits a metal-insulator crossover depending on the chalcogenide elements, or under magnetic field and pressure. In this talk we present a recent result of our neutron scattering study on uranium dichalcogenide, which demonstrates that the metal-insulator crossover is related to the change of 5$$f$$ character from localized to itinerant. The electronic structure related to this phenomenon is discussed based on the band calculation. We present the results of our neutron scattering study on UPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$, which showed a clear CEF excitation, indicative of the localized character of 5$$f$$ electrons.



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