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Report No.

Comparison of internal doses calculated using the specific absorbed fractions of the average adult Japanese male phantom with those of the reference computational phantom-adult male of ICRP publication 110

Manabe, Kentaro   ; Sato, Kaoru   ; Endo, Akira   

The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) decided to use reference phantoms based on physical characteristics of basic Caucasian in evaluation of effective doses in the ICRP 2007 Recommendations. Specific absorbed fractions (SAFs), which are essential data for internal dosimetry, depend on physical characteristics of a phantom used in calculating the SAFs. The body size and amount of adipose tissue of adult Japanese are generally smaller than that of Caucasian. Then, we studied the effects of differences in physical characteristics on internal doses. The electron and photon SAFs of the average adult Japanese male phantom (JM-103) were calculated with the Monte Carlo method, MCNPX. The electron SAFs of the ICRP reference computational phantom-adult male (RCP-AM) were taken from published data. The photon SAFs of the RCP-AM were calculated in the same way as JM-103. Then, the values corresponding to effective dose coefficients for intakes of radionuclides were calculated using the SAFs of these phantoms. As a result of a comparison for 2894 cases of 923 radionuclides, the maximum discrepancy in the effective dose coefficients between the JM-103 and RCP-AM was about 40%. However, the discrepancies were smaller than 10% in 97% of all cases. Information obtained in this study is helpful in applying the dose coefficients of the ICRP to races other than Caucasian.



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Category:Engineering, Biomedical



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