※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Bond cleavages of adenosine 5'-triphosphate induced by monochromatic soft X-rays

藤井 健太郎; 成田 あゆみ; 横谷 明徳

Fujii, Kentaro; Narita, Ayumi; Yokoya, Akinari


In order to clarify the unoccupied electronic structure exposed to soft X-rays, we measured XANES spectrum of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) before and after irradiation. Experiments were performed at soft X-ray beamline BL23SU in SPring-8. We observed the spectral changes of the resonant peak near nitrogen and oxygen K-ionization thresholds by an irradiation with 560 eV photons which is above oxygen ionization potential. Irradiated samples were also analyzed by electrochemistry and mass spectrometry. Decomposition patterns of ATP exposed to soft X-ray will be discussed from these results.



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