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Live-cell imaging study of mitochondrial morphology in mammalian cells exposed to X-rays

Noguchi, Miho; Kanari, Yukiko; Yokoya, Akinari; Narita, Ayumi; Fujii, Kentaro

It is well known that radiosensitivity of cells is dependent on cell cycle phases. In general, cells are most radiosensitive in M phase and most resistant in late S phase. Cell cycle-dependent radiosensitivity seems to be involved in DSB repair ability which is varied in each cell cycle. Maeda et al. reported that radiation induced cell death depends on not only DSB induction and its repair in a cell nucleus but also damaging cytoplasm, suggesting that cytoplasm may play an important role in the radiobiological responses. Mitochondria, a kind of major organelles, are distributed throughout cytoplasm. They are continuously fusing or dividing. Mitochondrial morphology is also known to change dynamically depending on cell cycle. In this study, to investigate whether mitochondrial morphology relates to cell cycle-dependent radiosensitivity, we analyzed kinetics of mitochondrial morphology after irradiation of X-rays. Fragmented mitochondria were found to accumulate in proliferating cells irradiated with X-rays. Cell population with fragmented mitochondria increased with time after irradiation. When cells irradiated in M phase, cell population with fragmented mitochondria also increased with time after irradiation. These results suggest that the changes of mitochondrial morphology are not significantly related to the cell cycle phase at which the cells are irradiated, and might have little association with cell cycle-dependent radiosensitivity.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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