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Evaluation of a wet chemistry method for isolation of cyclotron produced [$$^{211}$$At] astatine


Balkin, E. R.*; Hamlin, D. K.*; Gagnon, K.*; Chyan, M.-K.*; Pal, S.*; 渡辺 茂樹; Wilbur, D. S.*

Balkin, E. R.*; Hamlin, D. K.*; Gagnon, K.*; Chyan, M.-K.*; Pal, S.*; Watanabe, Shigeki; Wilbur, D. S.*

A "wet chemistry" approach for isolation of $$^{211}$$At from an irradiated bismuth target is described. The approach involves five steps: (1) dissolution of bismuth target in conc. HNO$$_{3}$$; (2) removal of the HNO$$_{3}$$ by distillation; (3) dissolution of residue in 8 M HCl; (4) extraction of $$^{211}$$At from 8 M HCl into DIPE; and (5) extraction of $$^{211}$$At from DIPE into NaOH. Results from 55 "optimized" At isolation runs gave recovery yields of approximately 78% after decay and attenuation corrections. An attenuation-corrected average of 26$$pm$$3 mCi in the target provided isolated (actual) yields of 16$$pm$$3 mCi of $$^{211}$$At. A sixth step, used for purification of $$^{211}$$At from trace metals, was evaluated in seven runs. In those runs, isolated $$^{211}$$At was distilled under reductive conditions to provide an average 71$$pm$$8% recovery. RadioHPLC analyses of the isolated $$^{211}$$At solutions, both initial and after distillation, were obtained to examine the $$^{211}$$At species present. The primary species of $$^{211}$$At present was astatide, but astatate and unidentified species were also observed. Studies to determine the effect of bismuth attenuation on $$^{211}$$At were conducted to estimate and attenuation factor ($$sim$$1.33) for adjustment of $$^{211}$$At readings in the bismuth target.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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