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 年 ~ 


Measurement of replacement reactivity of lead in KUCA-A core

菅原 隆徳  ; 西原 健司  ; 岩元 大樹   ; 八木 貴宏*; Pyeon, C. H.*

Sugawara, Takanori; Nishihara, Kenji; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Yagi, Takahiro*; Pyeon, C. H.*


An Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) has been investigated in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) to transmute minor actinides discharged from nuclear power plants. The ADS proposed by JAEA is a lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) cooled-tank-type ADS. It has been known that there was a major upgrade for the cross section data of lead isotopes from JENDL-3.3 to JENDL-4.0 and the upgrade affects to the neutronic design of the ADS. For instance, $$k_{eff}$$ value calculated by JENDL-3.3 was 0.97 and the value calculated by JENDL-4.0 was 1.00 and the main cause of this difference was the cross section data of the lead isotopes. This study aims to measure replacement reactivity from aluminum plates to lead plates to validate the nuclear data of the lead isotopes.



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