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Report No.

Simple method for high-density impregnation of Aliquat 336 onto porous sheet and binding performance of resulting sheet for palladium ions

Tanaka, Ryota*; Ishihara, Ryo*; Miyoshi, Kazuyoshi*; Umeno, Daisuke*; Saito, Kyoichi*; Asai, Shiho; Yamada, Shinsuke*; Hirota, Hideyuki*

Extractants impregnated onto porous materials exhibit high performance in adsorption kinetics of metal ions because metal ions are transported by the permeative flow of a metal solution through pores. A simple scheme for the stable impregnation of extractants is necessary to extend the application of extractants. Aliquat 336 was impregnated onto a porous sheet on the basis of the hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions between the octyl group of Aliquat 336 and the undecanoicacid-group-containing polymer chain grafted onto the porous sheet. Palladium chloride solution was fed to the bed charged with the Aliquat 336-impregnated porous sheet, driven by a pressure difference. The dynamic binding capacity of the Aliquat 336-impregnated porous sheet was 0.60 mmol/g, which was one or two orders of magnitude higher than the space velocities of conventional Aliquat 336-impregnated beads.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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