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Report No.

Estimation of astronaut dose inside the Kibo module during large solar flare events

Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Kataoka, Ryuho*; Nagamatsu, Aiko*

Forecast of radiation doses for astronauts as well as aircrews due to the exposure to solar energetic particles (SEP) is one of the greatest challenges in space weather research. In last 3 years, we have developed a warning system of aviation exposure to solar energetic particles: WASAVIES, which can predict the SEP doses at any flight conditions within 2.5 hours after the onset of ground level enhancements (GLE). In this system, the SEP fluxes incident to the atmosphere are calculated by physics based models, and they are converted to radiation doses using a database developed on the basis of air-shower simulation. In this study, we applied the same physics-based models to the estimate of the SEP fluxes on the orbit of International Space Station, and converted the fluxes to radiation doses for astronauts staying inside the Kibo module.



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