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Report No.

Evaluation of infiltration water through the upper cover soil in trench type disposal facility for low level radioactive wastes generated from research, industrial and medical facilities

Kurosawa, Ryohei; Sakai, Akihiro ; Nakata, Hisakazu ; Amazawa, Hiroya; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki 

In the safety assessment for the trench disposal facilities, outflow of radioactive material to the environment is assumed to be due to the percolating rain water into the waste layer, because the waste layer is established above the groundwater level. Therefore, in dose assessment of trench type disposal facilities, it is important to evaluate the effect of facility designs that suppresses the amount of water infiltration to the waste layer due to rainfall. Therefore, using the weather conditions in Japan, and evaluated the penetration water into the upper cover soil in trench type disposal facility other than the surface runoff and evapotranspiration. The evaluation was carried out of the water penetration leading to waste layer by migrating the upper cover soil fitted with a water barrier sheet or low-permeable layer soil layer of in trench type disposal facility. As evaluation result, by the influence of vegetation state of the upper cover soil surface, it was found that the amount of water from about 0.2 times to 0.7 times the precipitation have infiltrated to the upper cover soil. By setting the value corresponding to the clay hydraulic conductivity of low permeability soil layer, penetration amount of water to the waste layer from the top upper cover soil, it has been found that it is possible to reduce the penetration amount of water to the upper cover soil from the rain.



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