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Solution-processed organic spin-charge converter


安藤 和也*; 渡邉 峻一郎*; Mooser, S.*; 齊藤 英治; Sirringhaus, H.*

Ando, Kazuya*; Watanabe, Shun*; Mooser, S.*; Saito, Eiji; Sirringhaus, H.*


We show that a pure spin current can be produced in a solution-processed conducting polymer by pumping spins through a ferromagnetic resonance in an adjacent magnetic insulator, and that this generates an electric voltage across the polymer film. We demonstrate that the experimental characteristics of the generated voltage are consistent with it being generated through an inverse spin Hall effect in the conducting polymer. In contrast with inorganic materials, the conducting polymer exhibits coexistence of high spin-current to charge-current conversion efficiency and long spin lifetimes. Our discovery opens a route for a new generation of molecular-structure-engineered spintronic devices, which could lead to important advances in plastic spintronics.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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