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Long term integrity of reactor pressure vessel and primary containment vessel after the severe accidents in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station; Leaching property of spent oxide fuel segment and corrosion property of a carbon steel under artificial seawater immersion

Fukushima Project Team, Oarai Research and Development Center; Fukushima Fuels and Materials Department, Oarai Research and Development Center

Primary containment vessel (PCV), reactor pressure vessel and pedestal in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station units 1 through 3 have been exposed to severe thermal, chemical and mechanical conditions due to core meltdown events and seawater injections for emergent core cooling. These components will be immersed in diluted seawater with dissolved fission products under irradiation until the end of debris removal. Fresh water injected into the cores contacts with debris to cool, dissolutes or erodes their constituents, mixed with retained water, and becomes "accumulated water" with radioactive nuclides. We have focused the leaching of fission products into the accumulated water under lower temperature (323 K). FUGEN spent oxide fuel segments were immersed to determine the leaching factor of fission product and actinide elements. Since PCV made from carbon steel is one of the most important boundaries to prevent from fission products release, corrosion behavior has been paid attention to evaluate their integrity. Carbon steel specimens were immersion- and electrochemical-tested in diluted seawater with simulants of the accumulated water at 323 K. in order to evaluate the effect of fission products in particular cesium and radiation.



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