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Report No.

Correspondence between the count rates of the various GM tube survey meters and the initial setting value based on OIL4

Nakanishi, Chika; Hirayama, Yusuke; Akiyama, Kiyomitsu

After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, the Nuclear Emergency Response Guidelines developed by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Japan has introduced Operational Intervention Levels (OILs). Particularly, the screening level defined as OIL4 of decontamination against surface contaminations on the skin, clothes and others has adopted, and the default OIL4 value is 13,000 cpm. The count rate value indicated by GM survey meters varies according to the model. Thus, count rates measurements using the same radiation source were performed with four typical GM survey meters in this work, and the instrument efficiencies were compared. In addition, the dependences of the distance between the detector and the source are also evaluated between 1 cm and 5 cm. The screening levels corresponding to OIL4 for each GM survey meter were derived, and the value has 7,000-9,000 cpm from the instrument efficiencies. Count rates were decreased with the increasing distance from the source at the different ratios depending on the model. Then the screening levels at 5 cm between the source and the detector windows showed 3,000-6,000 cpm. This study suggested the importance to evaluate the intrinsic characteristics of the model and to derivate the appropriate screening level at a few centimeters from the screening object to detect contamination reliably.



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