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Report No.

A Summary of sodium-cooled fast reactor development

Aoto, Kazumi ; Dufour, P.*; Hongyi, Y.*; Glats, J. P.*; Kim, Y.-I.*; Ashurko, Y.*; Hill, R.*; Uto, Nariaki  

Much of the basic technology for the Sodium-cooled fast Reactor (SFR) has been established through long term development experience with former fast reactor programs, and is being confirmed by the Ph$'e$nix end-of-life tests, the restart of Monju, the lifetime extension of BN-600 and the startup of CEFR. Planned startup in 2014 for BN-800 and PFBR will further enhance the confirmation of the SFR basic technology. Nowadays, the SFR development has advanced to aiming at establishment of the Generation-IV system which is dedicated to sustainable energy generation and actinide management, and several advanced SFR concepts are under development. Generation-IV International Forum is an international collaboration framework where various R&D activities are progressing for the Generation-IV SFR development, and will play a beneficial role of promoting them thorough providing an opportunity to share the past experience and the latest data of design and R&D among countries developing SFR.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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