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Report No.

Variational Monte Carlo study of magnetic states in the periodic Anderson model

Kubo, Katsunori 

The periodic Anderson model has been studied as a typical model for f-electron systems. However, the knowledge on magnetism of this model is still limited. Here, we investigate magnetic states of the periodic Anderson model on a square lattice by applying the variational Monte Carlo method. We consider the Gutzwiller wavefunctions for the paramagnetic, antiferromagnetic, ferromagnetic, and charge density wave states as variational wavefunctions. Then, we evaluate energy of each state by the Monte Carlo method and determine the ground state. Around half-filling (the number of electrons n per site is two), we find an antiferromagnetic phase for a small hybridization matrix element V and a deep f level. When carriers are doped enough, for example, n=1.5, we find a half-metallic phase in a wide parameter region. It is consistent with the previous study for the ferromagnetism by the Gutzwiller approximation. We will also discuss the physical quantities in these phases.



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Category:Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical



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