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Report No.

Evidence for hidden quadrupolar fluctuations behind the octupole order in Ce$$_{0.7}$$La$$_{0.3}$$B$$_6$$ from resonant X-ray diffraction in magnetic fields

Matsumura, Takeshi*; Michimura, Shinji*; Inami, Toshiya; Otsubo, Toru*; Tanida, Hiroshi*; Iga, Fumitoshi*; Sera, Masafumi*

The multipole ordered phase in Ce$$_{0.7}$$La$$_{0.3}$$B$$_6$$ (phase IV) has been studied by resonant X-ray diffraction in magnetic fields. By utilizing diamond X-ray phase plates to rotate the incident linear polarization and a conventional crystal analyzer system, full linear polarization analysis has been performed to identify the order parameters. The analysis shows that the $$Gamma_{rm 5g}$$ quadrupoles are more induced by the field than the $$Gamma_{rm 3g}$$ quadrupoles in phase IV, in disagreement with mean-field calculations, in which the $$Gamma_{rm 3g}$$ quadrupole is the main induced moment. Hence, we consider that large fluctuations of the $$Gamma_{rm 5g}$$ quadrupole is hidden behind the primary ordering of the octupole.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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