※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Trial manufacture and study of the cracked concrete cutting tool

香田 有哉 

Koda, Yuya


For a basic understanding stand concrete of interest of dismantling work in the decommissioning of "Fugen", in. Concrete foundation that aims to treat and dispose as waste not "radioactive waste, aging, etc. If it has a crack on the surface due to the possibility of liquid (radioactive material) is penetrated into cracks portion can not be ruled out always, it is necessary to separate the cracking unit. So trial in this business last year it is to produce a machine, could be obtained (30 mm depth of cut, dust scattering prevention) of certain results. however, in order to solve the non-achievement issues and challenges that are newly extracted, and improve the prototype since it is necessary to, it is intended to present as technical problems at the 32nd open Seminar.



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