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Redistribution and export of contaminated sediment within eastern Fukushima Prefecture due to typhoon flooding


北村 哲浩   ; 操上 広志  ; 佐久間 一幸   ; Malins, A.  ; 奥村 雅彦   ; 町田 昌彦  ; 森 康二*; 多田 和広*; 田原 康博*; 小林 嵩丸*; 吉田 堯史*; 登坂 博行*

Kitamura, Akihiro; Kurikami, Hiroshi; Sakuma, Kazuyuki; Malins, A.; Okumura, Masahiko; Machida, Masahiko; Mori, Koji*; Tada, Kazuhiro*; Tawara, Yasuhiro*; Kobayashi, Takamaru*; Yoshida, Takafumi*; Tosaka, Hiroyuki*

福島第一原子力発電所の事故に起因して福島の地表に降下した放射性物質の将来分布予測に関連し、まず土砂の移行を物理型集水域解析モデルGETFLOWSを用いて詳細解析した。対象領域は汚染度合いを考慮し浜通り側の5流域、小高川, 請戸川, 前田川, 熊川, 富岡川とした。これらの流域の水・土砂輸送プロセスを、地表水流動、地下水流動、地表水・地下水相互作用、浸食(堆積)によって生じる浮遊砂移動現象として解析した。特に河川に流入した砂量、河川底に堆積した砂量、海へ流出した砂量などを試算した。

Sediment erosion and transport processes that are considered to be important in predicting the future radioactive material distribution through sediment-sorbed form in Fukushima Prefecture are simulated. Since large portion of the sediment is considered to be supplied into the rivers, it is important to trace their migration process in terms of each river basin. We choose five river basins, namely the Odaka, the Ukedo, the Maeda, the Kuma, and the Tomioka, from north to south, because of their importance in contamination aspects and prediction studies. The results are summarized as comprehensive dataset of sediment migration for particular river basins in typical typhoon events that account for the most of annual soil erosion. Detail calculations implemented for the amount of sediment supplied in to the river, deposited on river and dam beds, and exported to the ocean.



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分野:Geography, Physical



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