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A Heavy-ion program at J-PARC


佐甲 博之   ; 今井 憲一; 佐藤 進  

Sako, Hiroyuki; Imai, Kenichi; Sato, Susumu


In J-PARC, possibility of a future heavy-ion program has been discussed. In particular, we discuss heavy ion accelerator schemes, physics goals, and experimental setups. There are two physics subjects included in the program. One is a low energy heavy ion physics, to study unstable nuclei with the linac beam at 1-10 AMeV/c, and the other is a high energy heavy ion physics to explore nuclear physics at a high baryon density with the Main Ring beam at 1-10 AGeV/c. In this work, the latter is presented. In particular, we focus on measurements of lepton pairs in order to study high baryon density, and we also search for exotic hadrons and nuclei. We show a preliminary heavy-ion scheme and design of a heavy ion spectrometer.



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