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 年 ~ 

Measurement and analysis of feedback reactivity in the Monju restart core


北野 彰洋 ; 竹越 淳*; 羽様 平 

Kitano, Akihiro; Takegoshi, Atsushi*; Hazama, Taira


A feedback reactivity measurement technique was developed based on a reactivity model featuring components that depend on the reactivity coefficients, denoted as reactor power (K$$_{R}$$) and reactor vessel inlet temperature (K$$_{IN}$$). This technique was applied to the feedback reactivity experiment conducted in the Monju system start-up test in May 2010. A thorough evaluation considering all possible biases and uncertainties revealed that the reactivity coefficients can be evaluated with a measurement uncertainty smaller than 3%. The evaluated reactivity coefficients were simulated considering the temperature distribution in the core. The C/E value of K$$_{R}$$ showed good agreement between calculated and measured values within the established uncertainty, and the value of K$$_{IN}$$ was consistent with that reported in a previous isothermal temperature coefficient experiment. The measured and calculated fuel subassembly outlet temperatures also agreed well within 0.2$$^{circ}$$C.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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