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Report No.

Effect of titanium content on mechanical properties and reactivity of titanium beryllide pebbles

Kim, Jae-Hwan; Nakamichi, Masaru

Titanium beryllium intermetallic compounds, beryllides, have been investigated as a candidate of advanced neutron multipliers in a fusion demonstration reactor. To investigate effect of Be contents in titanium beryllide pebbles on the crush strength and oxidation resistance, the beryllide pebbles with 3 to 10.5 at.% Ti were fabricated. As a result of SEM observation, it was clear that Be phase on the surface identified in Be-3 and 5 at.% Ti while no Be phase found in Be-7 to 10.5 at.% Ti. According to cross-sectional images, moreover, area fraction of Be phase decreased with decrease of Be content in 3 to 9 at.% Ti beryllide pebbles whereas the pebble with 10.5 at.% Ti was mainly consisted of Be$$_{17}$$Ti$$_{2}$$ phase. It was confirmed from crushed tests of the pebbles that ductility increases as increased of Be contents in the pebbles since the existence of Be phase leads to ductile fracture. On the other hand, Be phase on the surface of the pebbles with Be-3 and 5 at.% Ti resulted in increase of the weight gain due to oxidation while other pebbles indicated similar values because the surface of pebbles with 7 to 10.5 at.% Ti consisted of either Be$$_{12}$$Ti or Be$$_{17}$$Ti$$_{2}$$. Accordingly, this existence of Be phase in the pebble leads to increase of ductility while it results in decrease of oxidation resistance on the surface at 1273 K.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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