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Report No.

Magnetic phases in pseudoternary system UCo$$_{1-x}$$Ru$$_x$$Al

Pospisil, J.; Haga, Yoshinori   ; Tateiwa, Naoyuki   ; Yamamoto, Etsuji  

UCoAl and URuAl remain paramagnetic at temperatures at least down to 30 mK. At He temperatures, UCoAl shows a metamagnetic transition at a magnetic field of 0.6 T applied along the c-axis. Despite the paramagnetism of parent compounds a huge dome of stable ferromagnetism exists over a wide concentration range of pseudoternary UCo$$_{1-x}$$Ru$$_x$$Alcompounds. For x $$>$$ 0.4, there seems to exist two ferromagnetic phases depending on temperature. We have grown three single crystals of the representative composition x = 0.56, 0.70 and 0.78, respectively, and investigated the character and temperature range of stability of the two ferromagnetic phases. A scenario will be discussed considering different coherence of the two magnetically ordered phases.



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