※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Oxidation and reduction behaviors of a prototypic MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ inert matrix fuel


三輪 周平  ; 逢坂 正彦  

Miwa, Shuhei; Osaka, Masahiko


Oxidation and reduction behaviors of a prototypic MgO-based inert matrix fuels (IMF) containing PuO$$_{2-x}$$ were experimentally investigated by means of thermogravimetry. A dense disk-shaped prototypic MgO-based IMF containing PuO$$_{2-x}$$ (MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$) was prepared by a powder metallurgy method. The oxidation and reduction kinetics and oxygen potentials of the MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ specimen were determined in the temperature range of 1273 K to 1473 K. The oxidation and reduction rates of the MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ were found to be notably low compared with those of PuO$$_{2-x}$$. On the other hand, the oxygen potentials of the MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ were the same level as those of PuO$$_{2-x}$$ as a whole. However, it is of note that the oxygen potentials of MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ were lower than those of PuO$$_{2-x}$$ near stoichiometry.



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