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 年 ~ 

Elemental analysis of simulated debris of nuclear fuel in water by fiber-coupled laser induced breakdown spectroscopy


佐伯 盛久; 伊藤 主税   ; 若井田 育夫  ; Thornton, B.*; 作花 哲夫*; 大場 弘則  

Saeki, Morihisa; Ito, Chikara; Wakaida, Ikuo; Thornton, B.*; Sakka, Tetsuo*; Oba, Hironori

To inspect the post-accident nuclear core reactor of the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (F1-NPP), a transportable fiber-coupled laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument has been developed. The developed LIBS instrument was designed to analyze underwater samples in a high radiation field by single-pulse breakdown with gas flow or double-pulse breakdown. To check the feasibility of the assembled fiber-coupled LIBS instrument for the analysis of debris material in the F1-NPP, we investigated the influence of the radiation dose on the optical transmittance of the laser delivery fiber, compared data quality among various LIBS techniques for an underwater sample and studied the feasibility of the fiber-coupled LIBS system in an analysis of the underwater sample of the simulated debris in F1-NPP. The feasible study has guaranteed that the developed fiber-coupled LIBS system is applicable for analyzing the debris materials in the F1-NPP.



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