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 年 ~ 

Colossal thermomagnetic response in the exotic superconductor URu$$_2$$Si$$_2$$


山下 卓也*; 下山 祐介*; 芳賀 芳範   ; 松田 達磨*; 山本 悦嗣  ; 大貫 惇睦; 住吉 浩明*; 藤本 聡*; Levchenko, A.*; 芝内 孝禎*; 松田 祐司*

Yamashita, Takuya*; Shimoyama, Yusuke*; Haga, Yoshinori; Matsuda, Tatsuma*; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Onuki, Yoshichika; Sumiyoshi, Hiroaki*; Fujimoto, Satoshi*; Levchenko, A.*; Shibauchi, Takasada*; Matsuda, Yuji*

Observation of a colossal Nernst signal is reported. URu$$_2$$Si$$_2$$ is known as a heavy fermion superconductor. The superconductivity coexists with the so-called hidden-order phase. The Nernst coefficient is enhanced by as large as million times over the theoretically expected value within the standard framework of superconducting fluctuations. Moreover, contrary to the conventional wisdom, the enhancement is more significant with the reduction of the impurity scattering rate. This anomalous Nernst effect intimately reflects the highly unusual superconducting state in URu$$_2$$Si$$_2$$.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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