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 年 ~ 


Characterization of oxidation behavior of boron-doped graphite

大崎 弘貴*; 角田 淳弥 ; 柴田 大受 ; 小西 隆志*

Osaki, Hiroki*; Sumita, Junya; Shibata, Taiju; Konishi, Takashi*


Boron-doped graphite is one of candidate materials for oxidation-resistant graphite. It was reported that B$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$, which was generated by oxidation of B$$_{4}$$C, prevented boron-doped graphite from oxidation. However, to apply boron-doped graphite to core support graphite structure of HTGR, it is necessary to measure the mechanical and thermal property of oxidized boron-doped graphite. This study reports results of oxidation test, bending strength test and surface observation using GB-210 fabricated by Toyo Tanso Co., Ltd. in order to measure the bending strength of oxidized boron-doped graphite.



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